NEAMS Industry Councils

NEAMS Industry Councils
NEAMS’ Industry Councils assess the NEAMS program for relevance, identify emerging opportunities and national needs specific to the NEAMS program, and promote and support the NEAMS program.
Council members are independent experts with deep knowledge and experience in modeling and simulation of light water reactors and non-LWRs. Council members include individuals with a modeling and simulation background from various reactor developers and utilities, in addition to representatives from the Nuclear Energy Institute (NEI) and the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI).
Council members serve renewable three-year terms. As applicable, observers may also be asked to participate on a meeting-by-meeting basis.
While every effort has been made to ensure a representative cross-section of industry viewpoints, the NEAMS program recognizes that there may be unique needs not represented in its Industry Councils’ composition. The NEAMS program strives to maintain an open dialogue with industry and welcomes direct consultation on company-specific needs.

Light Water Reactor Industry Council

Non-Light Water Reactor Industry Council